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Healthy Habits: Pantry Edition
Healthy Habits: Pantry Edition

Organizing your pantry has countless benefits, but one of our favorite reasons to invest the time and energy into organizing a pantry is how much easier it is for everyone in the family to eat a healthy diet. Trying a new diet or changing your behaviors around what...

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Emotion Regulation
Emotion Regulation

Every morning this summer has been almost identical in one infuriating way, despite the fact that we live in Atlanta, which during the summer can feel similar to the surface of the sun, my daughter throws a next level fit when I try to get her to wear shorts. We’ve...

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Never Alone Infertility
Never Alone Infertility

Experiencing infertility and loss has unfortunately thrown me into one of life's most daunting battles. No one anticipates facing these struggles, so it's a profound shock when they happen. Infertility and loss flood you with confusion, anger, and heartbreak. My...

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Mama Drama

Today’s blog post is Mama Drama, the thing you wished was hung up with your high school poms poms. When I see quotes about motherhood, they revolve around raising children, family traditions, managing the house, and maintaining the "self" in the years that require...

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One Step at a Time
One Step at a Time

Hey, my name is Carly Reisman. I'm a 35-year-old mom, and let me tell you, my road to motherhood has been a rollercoaster of emotions. Back in 2019, everything seemed perfect. I easily got pregnant with our daughter, and she's now a spunky four-and-a-half-year-old who...

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A Beacon of Hope
A Beacon of Hope

Becoming a parent with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been a journey unlike any other. From the moment my son entered the world, I knew that parenthood would be a tumultuous ride, marked by unique...

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My Kids Saved Me
My Kids Saved Me

When I became a mother back in 2016 I felt consumed by motherhood. I was overwhelmed by lack of sleep, bottles, breastfeeding and nipple cream. Fast forward to 2018, I had my second child and the overwhelm was unbearable. After the birth of my second child, I...

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A Story of Deep Loss with the Greatest of Gains
A Story of Deep Loss with the Greatest of Gains

Since I was a little girl, I felt strongly that if I do anything in this life, it is to be a mom. I was fortunate to grow up surrounded by a loving, attentive and nurturing mother as well as many other admirable women who showed me the beautiful and challenging...

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A Sister’s Love
A Sister’s Love

In 2019, as a 35-year-old mom to a 3-year-old little girl, I was diagnosed with aggressive appendix cancer. I had begun feeling super bloated all the time and my once flat stomach seemed to slowly be growing. An urgent CT scan revealed a large ovarian tumor and an...

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VOGM Support Network
VOGM Support Network

Being thrown into a grim prognosis at a 40 week + 1 day ultrasound during an otherwise normal first pregnancy is like having the floor dropped from under you.  I didn’t want to be induced. Because of that, I went in the day after my due date for a routine ultrasound...

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Imagine a space where the question ‘why does no one talk about this’ disappears. A space where you’ll never feel alone again in the journey of Parenthood. A space where everyday women and men come to shout from the rooftops what parenthood is like behind the scenes. Welcome to No One Talks About where we talk about ALL of the things that no one talks about as it relates to Parenthood.

We are building a community of everyday women and men who are tired of asking themselves, ‘why does no one talk about this?’ If you have a story to tell we would love for you to join our community! The more we share the less alone we will all feel. If telling your story helps just one person then it was worth it.


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